Unlock the Power of a U.S.-Based Statutory Foundation... Perfect for Non-Resident Aliens and Savvy U.S. Individuals!

Unlock the Power of a U.S.-Based Statutory Foundation... Perfect for Non-Resident Aliens and Savvy U.S. Individuals!

May 29, 2024

Are you a non-resident alien from a civil law country with U.S. assets? Or perhaps a U.S. individual seeking unparalleled flexibility? Discover why a U.S.-based statutory foundation is the ideal solution for you...

Who Controls a Foundation?

Unlike public charities, governed by diverse boards... private foundations are independent legal entities controlled solely by their donors. This means you retain full control over your foundation, ensuring your vision and goals are realized without external interference.

Is a Foundation an LLC?

No, and here's why that matters... While private foundations are tax-exempt organizations, LLCs are not. Private foundations are typically funded by a single family, corporation, or individual... offering a unique advantage for those looking to manage their charitable giving with more autonomy.

Can a Foundation Run a Business?

Absolutely! Nonprofit organizations often wonder if they can generate income through business activities... The answer is a resounding yes. This flexibility allows you to fund your charitable activities sustainably, making your impact even greater.

Key Points:

  • Complete Control: Unlike public charities, private foundations allow you to maintain full control, ensuring your goals are prioritized.
  • Tax-Exempt Status: Enjoy the benefits of a tax-exempt status, providing significant financial advantages.
  • Sustainable Income: Engage in business activities to generate ongoing income for your charitable missions.

P.S. Ready to explore how a U.S.-based statutory foundation can benefit you? Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards achieving your philanthropic goals!